Yay! Just completed the PHP client to integrate with the snapWONDERS API. PHP is my preferred development language for build Websites and didn’t take long to build the bear minimum needed for the example tutorial.
What is PHP?
PHP is a general-purpose scripting language geared towards web development. It was originally created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1993 and released in 1995. The PHP reference implementation is now produced by the PHP Group.
Strictly speaking, this is unnecessary to write interfacing API code considering there are already auto-generators that can generate client code to connect to APIs directly from the OpenAPI JSON schema file. snapWONDERS does publish the OpenAPI version 3 JSON schema file.
For complete details you can can visit: https://github.com/snapWONDERS/example-PHP-client-to-snapWonders-API